Lee and I are still on vacation, so I'm posting "from the road". Although we're no longer traveling along the Oregon Coast, I wanted to share some photos that we took while we were there.
Over the past week since we have been experiencing the ambience of this wonderful State of Oregon, I am continually amazed by its beauty. . . .
Last Tuesday, we ventured from our resort on Cannon Beach south to the Cape Meares area. . . . noted for its distinctive rock formations that provide nesting areas for large numbers of seabirds, and for the historic Cape Meares Lighthouse.

I took the above photo from the car, on our way down to Cape Meares. . . . . . The Oregon coastline is characterized by heavily forested mountains, almost right down to the beach, and if you could see beyond the trees in this photo, you would see the ocean.

And here is Lee, ready with all his photography gear, for the walk down the trail to the famous Cape Meares Lighthouse.

And this is another shot of that same coastline. Lee and I saw several groups of pelicans fly toward some other large rocks outside the range of this photo, where we assume they have some nesting areas.
The Cape Meares area is also home to cormorants and orange billed oyster catchers! (And yes, I actually DID get to see some of those birds nesting on the rocks, thanks to a fellow walker who happened to be a bird watcher with a high powered telescope . . . . . . . which she let me look through.)

This artsy photo of the top of the Cape Meares lighthouse is compliments of Lee. (Keep watching for more of his Oregon photos from this trip on his blog: http://www.lr-photo.blogspot.com/)

And here is my little snaphot of this amazing tree, which, I'm afraid, does little to capture its essence. It truly is a wonder of nature, as is this entire area.
Yesterday, Lee and I drove from Cannon Beach to Redmond, Oregon, and for the next few days we will be spending some time in a little resort near the banks of the beautiful Deschutes River. We're looking forward to exploring the area around Redmond, Bend, and Sisters (there really IS a town by that name . . . . . . a beautiful little town nestled in the pines . . . AND there is also an Oregon town by the name of Brothers, but I don't know if Lee and I will get to see it this trip!).
My current Internet access is intermittent, but I hope to be able to post again with some more photos before we return home.
Until we meet again . . . . . . .may your own travels be enjoyable and your memories sweet.
It looks like you are all having a great time! Be safe until you get home ;)
Let you something on my blog this afternoon.
We're so fortunate to be native Oregonians...all these areas of natural wonder are in our "backyard".
Love the music on your playlist...George Winston is so relaxing. :0)
Happy travels,
Tina & Chris
Pfeiffer Photos
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