Friday, October 17, 2008

Home Again and Tagged! (Are YOU?)

Well, here we are. All of us are home again . . . .Lee and me, Harley and Ride......whom we just picked up from the Doggie Hotel. (Shhhhh! . . . . . Don't tell them it was really the KENNEL!)

And now that I have a regular computer and a GOOD Internet connection (rather than an on again/off again one), I'm going to try to catch up on some Blogging!

Seems that I've been "TAGGED" by a few bloggers while Lee and I've been gone, and now that I'm home I'm going to pass the fun along to some more folks!

So, I'll be starting from the most recent "tagging" I received, and be working my way back over the next few days. Last Wednesday, one of my cardmaking friends, Pat (Cards, Collage and Altered Art by Patzee) did me the honor of "tagging" me. And now, it's my turn to "tag" SEVEN more fellow Bloggers!

Here are the Rules of this particular Blog Tag:

1. On your Blog, Share 7 facts about yourself, some random, some weird

2. Include a link to your tagger's blog in your blog post.

3. Tag 7 more people at the end of your post by leaving their names AND the links to their blogs.

4. Let those 7 people know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

5. List these Blog Rules in your Post.

What a fun way to get to know fellow bloggers and make new friends, don't you think?

So, Here goes!

Seven Facts About ME:

1. I'm a romantic at heart and pretty much believe that if you truly love someone, you can weather just about any storm.

2. My husband, Lee, is the love of my life (and our two greyhounds are next in line).

3. If I had to choose between living near the ocean or the mountains, I'd pick the mountains every time.

4. I love all kinds of nature and animals (with the possible exception of mosquitoes and spiders!) . . . . Example: If I find a ladybug, a beetle, or a green leaf hopper in the house, I'll take it outside so it can find a proper home in the great outdoors.

5. My favorite color is blue, with red being a close second.

6. I'm a really good speller (and even won a few spelling bees in my childhood!). . . . . if I don't know how to spell a word, I'll look it up so I know next time.

7. I couldn't survive without music in my life.

Thanks, Pat, for "tagging" me!

Now for the seven folks that I'm tagging this round . . . . I'll look forward to hearing from you and reading your "Seven Facts about Me" on YOUR blog!

Lazy Bone Creations

Cat Productions

When Weeds Whisper

Destiny's Creations

Stella Danza's Confections

Little Brown Pen

B Doodlez


Kymali said...

How fun!!! I just love reading all of the "tag you're it" posts. Nice blog.

MaryMarsh said...

Great blog! Enjoyed reading your 7 facts. The "tag virus" must be circulating pretty rampant across the blogs these days... I've been tagged 3 times in 2 days! lol!