I'm well on my way of sifting and sorting all my Christmas and Holiday-themed patterned papers and embellishments, getting them organized, and safely filed away for the next few months so I can FIND what I need when I'm ready to use them again!
And, I've begun to pull out my Valentine's Day and Love-themed papers and embellishments.
As a cardmaker, I think the two MOST FAVORITE themes around which I enjoy designing cards are 1) the Christmas/Holiday Season, and 2) Valentine's Day/Love themed cards.
There are SO many wonderful quotes and song lyrics written around the theme of LOVE, and although I have quite a collection already, I'm always on the lookout for more.
Much of the inspiration for my Love-themed and Valentine's Day cards comes from wonderful quotes, as well as beautiful embellishments and papers.
I don't yet have any new Valentine's Day card designs in mind for 2009. But, in hopes of getting my creative "juices" flowing, I've been reviewing some of my previous card designs. I keep photos of all of my completed card designs on my computer, and tend to draw from previous card designs from year to year, in addition to developing totally new designs.
The following photos are from my card design "archives". I suppose, like many artisans, I tend to like some of my old designs better than others.
And, as I look at my cards from year to year, I see that my style is continually evolving. . . . I think that's a GOOD thing, yes?

Although I made this card (above) a few years ago, it's one of my favs. I was in a phase of using tiny beads and threading them over spiral clips for an unusual embellishment. The outside text was pulled from a commercial card my hubby gave me one year . . . . . . .I know, I know, some might consider it a little sappy!

Here's another of my favs, done, I think a bit more recently. Yes, all the hearts are hand cut. I especially liked the metal and enamel purchased embellishment.

Here's another card with layers of handcut hearts . . . . except for the center one with the "Be Mine" on it, which was a purchased cardstock embellishment. The tiny flowers on each corner are punchies, but I hand outlined each with a fine point red pen and added a tiny acrylic rhinestone to each center.

Here's yet another variation of a handcut, layered heart. I loved the black, white and red heart patterned paper . . . I think I still may have some of that.

I'm not big on the color pink, BUT for Valentine's Day, I make an exception. And I actually loved this patterned paper. Once again, the card features a handcut and layered heart. (Guess I didn't get enough time as a child cutting out paper dolls!)

This was one of the FIRST Valentine's Cards that I sold a number of years ago. The saying is a famous line from the movie, "Jerry Maguire," which I loved! I'm not as fond of Tom Cruise as I was back then, but I still love the line!

Here's another of my first Valentine's Day cards that I sold (on eBay, I think) . . . .and yet another of my very favorite pieces of script . . . .I remember that song from when I was growing up. The lyrics are absolutely timeless!

And here's a bit more recently designed card, also with one of my favorite lines.

None of my fellow cardmakers (or my card buyers) would say that I'm into "vintage" designs. But, a client asked if I could do a vintage Valentine Day's card last year, and this was my best shot. She liked it, so I guess I did OK.

Now . . . .for a whimsical touch (maybe more aptly termed a "hoaky" touch!) . . . . .I can't remember if this dolphin card actually SOLD as a Valentine's Day card, or if I changed the text block to another occasion!
And, here's yet another of my favorites. . . . . This card was not designed specifically as a Valentine's Day card, but I definitely see possibilities for one.
OK, now that I've reviewed some previous designs, I definitely think I'm ready to start some Valentine's Day card designs for 2009 . . . . .
Do you have any favorites from among these that you think I might adapt for this year's designs?
As always, I appreciate your comments and suggestions!
Wishing You the Best that 2009 has to offer . . . . from the HEART.
Wishing You the Best that 2009 has to offer . . . . from the HEART.