As suggested in the article I referenced in my previous post, from the Etsy Greetings Blog, "An Introduction to Twitter" I've used search.twitter.com to seek out some fellow "tweeters" (I have NO idea if I'm using that term correctly!) with similar interests as mine.
For example, I've typed in a variety of my favorite topics, such as "handmade cards, paper crafting, crafts, dogs, greyhounds" in order to find other TWITTER users who might share any of these interests. Then I've checked out their TWITTER pages, and started to "Follow" a number of folks whose previous posts, bios, websites and/or Etsy Shops piqued my interest. And, already I've had some success in getting acquainted with some really nice people, particularly fellow dog and animal lovers!
So far, I'm trying to do a little tweeting every day, interacting with some of my new found friends, and learning what I can about how TWITTER works. One thing I've learned is that there's a software product available called TweetDeck, that one can download free, and which allows TWITTER users to better organize their incoming "tweets" from their Followers. I haven't tried TweetDeck yet, but am thinking about it!
Admittedly, in my short time on TWITTER, I've had some frustration too . . . .For one thing, the 140 character limit to each "tweet" is tough for someone as wordy as me! Another frustration is that it's hard to keep up with the "tweets" when you're following a lot of people, and already I've taken folks off my Follow list that tweeted a little too often for my liking, and about things that didn't necessarily interest me. So, even tho' it was tempting at first to Follow a lot of people on TWITTER, I've decided that I'm going to try to keep my list of folks whom I Follow a bit more manageable.
I wanted to share a link to a VERY INTERESTING Web Article that my Dear Hubby (also a newbie to TWITTER) found today. . . . I've never heard of the MASHABLE Web Site before, but today there's an article on that site, by Atherton Bartelby, entitled, "FOLLOW FAIL: The Top 10 Reasons I Will Not Follow You in Return on Twitter." Although I'm very new to TWITTER myself, many of the points made in this article really hit home for me already!
If you're interested in TWITTER, please do take a few minutes to read Mr. Bartelby's article. I think you might enjoy it!
Until we meet again . . . . . Happy Tweeting!
Hey thanks for the link. It's good to have reminders on etiquette.
it just shows how twitter is connecting people. I'm a computer person, so I joined twitter because there were a ton of computer-minded people on it. when i got two greyhounds i noticed that certain people i followed also had greyhounds, and so i followed their followers, and so on and so on. connects people who would never even think of talking to each other!
Good info. about Twitter; I have been trying to decide whether I want to twitter or no.
Great blog and article!!!
Thanks, Jan. It's really useful.
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