Monday, March 23, 2009

Springtime in the Rockies!

Was it only a few short days ago that my Blog Post heralded the onset of Spring, with a photo of sweet little purple crocuses popping up through the ground? As I sit here at my computer, looking out the window at our backyard covered once again with a blanket of white snow, my last Blog Post seems weeks ago!

But such is Springtime in the Rockies (that is, the Rocky Mountains of the Western United States)!

I should be used to these unexpected changes in the weather in this wondrous mountain state of Utah. After all, it's been many a year that I've lived here, and I can recall several times when we've even had snow on Easter Sunday!

As Lee is dragging out the snowblower for the umpteenth (and hopefully the last) time for this season, I thought I'd share some photos with you. And NO, these are not re-cycled photos of our yard from earlier in the winter. Each of the following photos was taken personally by moi, just a little while ago.

Hard to believe, but this is the way our back yard is looking as I'm writing this, AND it's still snowing!

And below is a photo taken of our front yard, just off our front steps.

There is no denying the beauty of freshly fallen snow. But, nevertheless, as beautiful as the snow is, I'm more than ready for some extended warmth and sunshine!

Luckily, our Spring snowstorms generally don't last very long, and the snow usually melts over a few days. The weatherman tells us that next weekend, we're due for 70 degree weather again!

Oh, the wonders of Mother Nature!


Pam said...

Awww!!! I'm trying not to get too excited about it even in MN. Right now, there is very little snow on the ground, but that can always change!! At least it looks pretty!

Melody Lea Lamb said...

Wow! That makes me feel SO much better about cold and windy here in New England. I was fussing about a little spitting snow on my walk yesterday, but nothin' like what you got! it'll melt soon though...right? :)

Teddyree said...

What stunning photos, I haven't ever seen snow like that, not where I live in the Sunshine State of Australia LOL.

Bri said...

Wow sounds like you're living in Colorado with the snow and then 70 degree days!

TheresaJ said...

Your photos are gorgeous and the view of your yard spectacular! I know it must be tough and that you are longing for spring, but the photos really are stunning! Hang in there...

Pacokeco said...

These photos are so beautiful, they leave me breathless! Nicely done, Jan... some of Lee's talent must be rubbing off onto you?

BeccaRoo said...

It's a winter wonderland. It does not snow here in SA TX either much. If we want to see snow like this we have to go to New Mexico or Colorado those are the closet states that get snow and you can SKI!!!